Here's some of the
About Parent Coaching...
Sleep Consultation
We met with Sharon after a series of terrible nights where we were getting only a few hours of sleep a night due to our daughter waking hourly. We felt absolutely exhausted and knew that we had to change something. However with so much conflicting information out there about what to do and what not to do with babies and getting them to sleep, we felt lost! After our initial consult with Sharon, my husband and I felt so much better with a plan in place and one where we were provided with research behind what we were going to be doi ng with our daughter to help her to self settle. After only 2 days of letting our little one self settle, we found she was sleeping for longer periods during the day (up to 2 hours rather than the 30 minute catnaps she was doing) and she was going down to sleep without a fuss during the day and in the evenings (we used to rock her and feed her to sleep which could take up to an hour). We now have a much happier little Bub that is happy to be put down in her cot awake and who will go off to sleep all on her own! We are also much happier and functional parents thanks to the wonderful support provided by Sharon. Sharon was always available to chat when needed and was always able to provide us with new tips and constructive feedback. I would highly recommend this service to any parents having difficulties with their little one/s and their sleep, it has truly been one of the best learning experiences for us and has made us a much happier family. Justine

After almost 6 months of broken sleep we jumped at a chance to have a sleep consultation with the amazing Sharon from Family Works. All her advice was practical, sensible and she put together a plan tailored to our family situation. The best part is that we are able to contact her for support or to ask any questions over the next month. That has been invaluable because, even though Amelie is our third baby, some days we feel like we don’t really know what we are doing. It is great to have someone who we can talk to and ask even the silliest questions.
If you are waking up in the morning feeling like a zombie or if you just want to talk to someone and see if there is anything that can be tweaked then we recommend that you get in touch with Sharon.
If you are waking up in the morning feeling like a zombie or if you just want to talk to someone and see if there is anything that can be tweaked then we recommend that you get in touch with Sharon.
We loved working with Family Works and had great results in teaching our baby to self settle and establish good sleep habits and a routine. Sharon was really calm and reassuring and very generous with her time and follow up support. We now feel so much more confident about what we are doing and feel we have learnt so much about babies and thier sleep habits. We can highly recommend Sharon and are so grateful for the help she offered us. Nikki
I can't express how grateful I am for the help I received from Sharon at Family Works. She was lovely to work with and always responded quickly to any questions I had. Having someone who I could trust gave me the confidence I needed to help my daughter. We saw results in just days and within two weeks my 10 month old was sleeping for 12 hours at night and two 1.5 hour naps during the day. We are so happy and as I tell everyone it is the best thing I could have done for my family and my health. It truly is worth every cent! Emily
I can't express how grateful I am for the help I received from Sharon at Family Works. She was lovely to work with and always responded quickly to any questions I had. Having someone who I could trust gave me the confidence I needed to help my daughter. We saw results in just days and within two weeks my 10 month old was sleeping for 12 hours at night and two 1.5 hour naps during the day. We are so happy and as I tell everyone it is the best thing I could have done for my family and my health. It truly is worth every cent! Emily
My greatest fear when I accepted I needed to make some drastic changes to improve my daughter's sleeping was not being able to do it on my own and how I would endure days of her crying. What I liked most about having a sleep consultant like Sharon come out to me was being able to implement a sleep training strategy that was achievable and therefore sustainable. ...where better to sleep train than in your bub's home environment? Another advantage is having Sharon provide very prompt response to any queries you may have via email and telephone consultations which I found immensely helpful and supportive. As each sleep training day passed, my daughter's ability to self sooth and sleep increased and I was amazed how quickly she learnt. It just goes to show that with persistence you will see results.
At around 7 months of age our daughter had begun waking a lot during the night and was very difficult to get down for her daytime naps. We decided to get some help from Sharon who explained why our daughter was most likely having these sleeping issues and helped us to make some simple changes to get her to self settle. Sharon was very generous with her time and always there to answer any of our questions along the way. We still cannot believe that our daughter is now sleeping through the night and is so relaxed going down for her daytime naps. Now we are all getting the sleep we need to function as a happy family. Erin
At around 7 months of age our daughter had begun waking a lot during the night and was very difficult to get down for her daytime naps. We decided to get some help from Sharon who explained why our daughter was most likely having these sleeping issues and helped us to make some simple changes to get her to self settle. Sharon was very generous with her time and always there to answer any of our questions along the way. We still cannot believe that our daughter is now sleeping through the night and is so relaxed going down for her daytime naps. Now we are all getting the sleep we need to function as a happy family. Erin
Emotion Regulation
Brilliant thank you Sharon :) x
This is really very helpful and gives me much needed fresh insight to get me moving forward with little A.
Whilst the problem had started to feel unsolvable I can see now that though it might take some time there is real action that I can take - which is both encouraging and makes me feel like I can do something worthwhile parentally rather than just manage/survive! I hadn't realised that my approach to A's emotions was to try to comfort her through it rather than focus on skilling her up on how to process those emotions. Brilliant - very enlightening for me.
This is really very helpful and gives me much needed fresh insight to get me moving forward with little A.
Whilst the problem had started to feel unsolvable I can see now that though it might take some time there is real action that I can take - which is both encouraging and makes me feel like I can do something worthwhile parentally rather than just manage/survive! I hadn't realised that my approach to A's emotions was to try to comfort her through it rather than focus on skilling her up on how to process those emotions. Brilliant - very enlightening for me.
Help with a 4 month old
The birth is all over in 24 hours but no one seems to arm you with info on how to really look after your baby once you get home! Sharon's sleep session helped me learn how to help my baby (4 months) self settle and sleep well.
He slept beautifully last we are all feeling very satisfied as well! Your help and guidance has been invaluable and we are so glad we have worked with you! Amelia
He slept beautifully last we are all feeling very satisfied as well! Your help and guidance has been invaluable and we are so glad we have worked with you! Amelia
Practical Advice & Parenting Skills
Sharon's obvious years of personal and professional experience as a parent shined through her advice, knowledge and ability to coach and guide us effectively. The following day after the consultation was a hard day but we started to put Sharon's practical advice into action and after a week and a half of patience and consistency we have began to see positive changes in our daughters sleeping habits. on top of this we have also began to see positive change and shifts in our mind sets (particularly me as a new mum) in the way we approach parenting.
I just wanted to say thank you again for helping up gain confidence in our parenting skills and teach us a lot, not just about sleep but about parenting in general. We loved your approach and the calm and gentle way in which you guided us. You were so generous with your time and we feel really lucky to have had such great advice through our first little tricky patch.
Confidence with a 6 month old
Our boy turned 6 months today and it is great to be feeling confident about what we are doing and to reflect on how far we have come! We will certainly recommend you to all our friends.
Many thanks again, x
Many thanks again, x
Challenging Behaviour
We found it was highly beneficial to talk through the challenges with our child - in particular we received help to understand our childs temperment. We then explored ideas on how to put this understanding into practice. (Dad of a 2-year-old)
About Professional Coaching
This was my third session with Sharon. In each session she operates with integrity, clarity and humanity. She makes me feel regarded and considers the factors at hand. She is very sensitive and caring. Within a session, there is no doubt about the confidence I feel in her ability and skill; and across the sessions, my respect for her in her coaching role has increased. I trust her capacity to bring the best of herself to the task.
About Professional Training
...the feedback from your training was really positive and one of their favorite training for the week.
Early Learning Centre - Executive Centre Manager
Early Learning Centre - Executive Centre Manager
Please note that testimonials regarding psychological therapy/treatment (including symptoms or outcomes) is prohibited by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.