I often comment on how the fathering role is becoming more valued and that fathers are more invested in their parenting. But where's the evidence? The most convincing evidence of this that I've seen lately is that big business is recognising that Dads need time with their kids and family - especially in the early months of of a child's life. Both Virgin Group and Netflix have recently announced they offer parents up to one year of paid leave after the birth of their child - regardless of gender. I haven't looked into all the details, but this is a remarkable move that acknowledges the value of healthy family relationships, and that father involvement is important from the earliest stages of a child's life.
Judging by the books and blogs on parenting there is a lot of information out there on how to do it. We can get quite caught up in the tasks, getting it right according to the latest research or popular blog.
We can look for fixes, solutions and bright shiny saviours that we can trust in, hoping it will take away any feelings of uncertainty we have have. When I meet a pregnant couple I have one question in mind and its my litmus tester: How do you cope with uncertainty? Mothers... you are invited to a retreat that provides a safe space to reflect on what matters most; your connection with your child/ren, loved ones and yourself.
This is a reflective exploration of Circle of Security core themes. Maybe I'll see you there - register online. Sharon |
May 2019